Relocation Online maintains a professional and non biased approach to all applications, each one is treated with the same amount of urgency and more importantly, exactly within the bounds of law. Relocation Online acts on your behalf as power of attorney for the process of your immigration.

Utility Connection

Prior to the Assignee taking
occupation, connections of water,
electricity, telephone and
postal services will be arranged.

Settling in

Relocation Online will arrange for Housekeeper/Domestic Help, Garden and Pool Service assistance, DSTV and Internet connection, Cell Phone conversions, Banking and Security and the introduction to Medical facilities and practitioners,
Places of Worship, Sporting facilities and Local Community Services.

Outbound Services

We do Visas all around the world,
whether you are going as a Tourist
or for a Business trip, we are here to help you!

Should you need assistance with
outbound visa’s, please give us a
call for a quick assessment.


Other services:

Application for citizenship


Application for passports, ID books

Drafting of Business Plans

Drafting of letters

Application for SAQA evaluations

Application for Labour Reports from the Department of Labour

Completing of Application forms

Assist with translations of documents into English

Drafting of Chartered Accountant certificates

Assistance with medical cover in South Africa

Assistance with applications for Police clearance certificates from foreign countries

Certification of documentation

Apostille of documents