Permanent Residence based on a 5 Year Work Visa
You can qualify for Permanent residency if you have been on a valid 5 Year work visa

Permanent Residence based on Extra Ordinary Skills
You can qualify for Permanent residency based on your skills and Qualifications and that you meet with the current Critical skills criteria

Permanent Residence based on SAC Citizen or Permanent Resident
Spouse – You can qualify for a Permanent residence visa based on your South African spouse. You will need to be married or in a Permanent spousal relationship for 5 years
Parent – Whether you a major or minor child, you qualify for Permanent residency based on your parents

Permanent Residence based on Retired Person
You can qualify for Permanent residency due to retirement, one of the main requirements will be to show that you have a pension fund

Permanent Residence based on a Financial Independent
You can apply for Permanent residence if you can prove that you have the sum combined of R12 000 000.00 in assets or capital.

Permanent Residence based on Business
You can qualify for Permanent residency based on your current Business in South Africa

Lifestyle and pleasure in your new home

Getting help with your visa or permit application

We welcome the opportunity to consult with you as to your eligibility for a visa /permit and answer any questions you may have with no obligation.

 Simply call us on  +27 (0)21 465 9212 

Alternatively you can fill out the below Free Assessment.